Types of Hearing aid

Analogue or Digital

Even though Analogue and digital hearing aids look similar, their processing of sound is dissimilar. Acoustic signals are converted into electrical signals to produce amplified sounds in an analogue hearing aid. Whereas acoustic sounds are converted into digital signals using a processor in digital hearing aids.Amplification of sound in digital hearing aids like Resound, Oticon, Phonak can be customized to compensate for the hearing loss very accurately. Various sound situations can be programmed to match the environment around. For example travelling in a crowded city like Chennai it is possible to program the digital hearing aid to various high frequency sound settings such as reduction of loud horn sounds from heavy vehicles or even noises from a crowded market place. Hearing aids like Resound, Unitron switch settings automatically to suit the environment. Feedback or whistling noise is very much reduced in a digital hearing aid.

Behind the Ear (BTE) Hearing Aids

BTEs are used for all types of hearing loss and they come in a variety of styles and sizes. Many have multiple directional microphone systems for improved understanding of speech in noisy situations. Behind-the-ear hearing aids can be open-fit or closed-fit. These BTEs offer more power and easier handling because they are larger. Most are compatible with assistive listening devices (Accessories) and are suitable for mild to profound hearing loss. The ear mould connects a BTE instrument to the ear and is individually shaped for each wearer. It fulfills multiple functions for acoustics and better hearing.
BTE hearing aids with ‘open ear fitting’ have a small, soft earpiece at the tip of the tubing instead of an ear mould. This type of fitting can be less noticeable than an ear mould. Open fittings are more comfortable and avoid the collection of moisture in the ear. But, they are only suitable for certain hearing loss.

Hearing Aid Centre Chennai Types of Hearing aid
Hearing Aid Centre Chennai Types of Hearing aid

Salient features:

  • Easier Handling
  • Volume Control
  • Most Powerful
  • Compatible with all Hearing Aid Accessories
  • Suitable for mild to profound hearing loss

Invisible In Canal (IIC) Hearing Aids

The IIC is the smallest custom hearing aid available. This tiny ultra comfortable hearing solution fits deeply inside the ear canal making it hidden from sight. Since the microphone is at the opening of the ear canal and the receiver is further in the ear canal. This style provides the most natural sound quality.

Hearing Aid Centre Chennai Types of Hearing aid
Hearing Aid Centre Chennai Types of Hearing aid

Salient features:

  • 100% Invisible when worn
  • Sculpted for your ear canal
  • Highest definition sound quality
  • Suitable for mild to moderately severe hearing loss

Completely in the Canal (CIC) Hearing Aids

Completely In The canal hearing aids or CIC as they are frequently referred to are custom fit hearing aid which fit inside the canal of the ear, thereby making it discreet and hardly visible. Natural sounds are heard with a great clarity in CIC hearing aids as its microphone is designed and placed at the ear canals opening. Custom fit hearing aids are not recommended for patients with period ear infections. At Denoc, Chennai we have our in house hearing aid shell manufacturing unit for cosmetic (custom) type hearing aids. This provides us an upper hand to provide precise design & timely delivery.

Hearing Aid Centre Chennai Types of Hearing aid
Hearing Aid Centre Chennai Types of Hearing aid

Salient features:

  • Almost Invisible when worn
  • Excellent Sound Quality
  • Compatible with some Hearing Aid Accessories
  • Suitable for mild to most severe hearing loss

In The Canal (ITC) Hearing Aids

Custom-made to fit securely and comfortably in the ear making it more suitable for people with battery life concerns. ITCs are larger in size than the CIC and are suitable for mild to severe hearing loss. Volume control and program button options available.

Hearing Aid Centre Chennai Types of Hearing aid
Hearing Aid Centre Chennai Types of Hearing aid

Salient features:

  • Easy handling
  • Longer Battery life
  • Compatible with some Hearing Aid Accessories
  • Suitable for mild to most severe hearing loss

In The Ear (ITE) hearing aids

ITE (In The Ear) hearing aids are comparatively larger in size than ITC hearing aid. Patients with dexterity (hand skill) challenges are recommended for ITE hearing aid. These are also customized hearing aids that fit in the outer ear making it secure and comfortable for patients with dexterity issues to handle. Due to their rigid size and provision for increased battery power makes ITE hearing aid appropriate for patients with mild through profound hearing loss. As an additional feature volume control and programming buttons are available in outer shell of the hearing aid.

Hearing Aid Centre Chennai Types of Hearing aid
Hearing Aid Centre Chennai Types of Hearing aid

Salient features:

  • Easy handling
  • Volume Control
  • Longer Battery life
  • Compatible with some Hearing Aid Accessories
  • Suitable for moderate to profound hearing loss

Receiver in the Ear (RIE) hearing aids

As a result of constant inventions & developments in the hearing aid industry, we witness Receiver in The Ear (RIE) or also know an Receiver in The Canal (RIC) hearing aidas an outcome of next generation BTE (behind the ear) hearing aid. Kudos to the design team of RIC/RIE for making it lighter in weight, small and sleek, colorful & adorable. These hearing aids fit tight behind the ear and therefore using a nearly invisible slim tube the processor in the hearing aid is connected to the receiver in the ear. Since sound receivers are kept in the ear canal, these hearing aids can deliver high quality sound. Occlusion effect is decreased & natural sound processing effects are increased in a RIE/RIC Hearing aid. Denoc, a best hearing aid centre in Chennai can offer its users a wide variety of RIE/RIC hearing aid from several leading manufacturessuch as Oticon, Unitron, Widex, Interton& many more.

Hearing Aid Centre Chennai Types of Hearing aid
Hearing Aid Centre Chennai Types of Hearing aid

Salient features:

  • Ultra Small
  • Ultra light
  • Volume Control
  • Compatible with all Hearing Aid Accessories
  • Suitable for mild to severe hearing loss


Phone Clip
Works like a digital headset
Talking on the phone becomes a simple pleasure with the Phone Clip. Just like wearing a top-of-the-range headset the Phone Clip makes taking and ending calls a piece of cake. You can now give your customers a wireless connection between their Bluetooth® enabled mobile phone and their hearing aids.

Hearing Aid Centre Chennai Types of Hearing aid

Remote Control
Full control of hearing aids
The Remote Control is for people who appreciate an easy overview of their hearing aids and accessory settings. Adjusting the volume and switching between TV, Audio or PC is easier and more personal thanks to the Remote Control.

Hearing Aid Centre Chennai Types of Hearing aid

TV Streamer
Give your customers the ultimate TV experience
6 out of 10 hearing aid users say better TV usage is highly desired when buying wireless hearing devices. With the TV Streamer you can now transform your customers’ hearing aids into a set of wireless headphones. It sends crystal clear stereo sound from the TV directly into their hearing aids. The streamer can also be used to stream music from a stereo or PC.

Hearing Aid Centre Chennai Types of Hearing aid

Additional Features

Speech Management System Properties:

  • Wireless Streaming Programs
  • Pinna Effect, Natural Sound Balance
  • Auto Adaptation Manager
  • Smart Focus
  • Binaural Phone
  • Miltiband Adaptive Directional Mic
  • Multiband Noise Reduction
  • Speech Enhancement LD
  • Wind Noise Manager
  • Easy-t
  • Premium Artificial Intelligence

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