Tinnitus Hearing Aid

Treat Tinnitus Using Sound

A continuous ringing sound in our ear that causes huge discomfort

Hearing Aid Centre Chennai Tinnitus Hearing Aid
Hearing Aid Centre Chennai Tinnitus Hearing Aid

Millions of people worldwide experience tinnitus, including many with hearing loss. The fact is, just wearing a hearing aid can help relieve tinnitus. The tinnitus hearing aid makes it easier to hear conversation, music and ambient sounds around you, thereby pushing the tinnitus to the background and making it less noticeable.

Built in Tinnitus Sound Support:

An effective method for managing tinnitus actually involves adding sounds to the sound you already hear. Just as improved hearing can help push tinnitus to the background.

Hearing Aid Centre Chennai Tinnitus Hearing Aid
Hearing Aid Centre Chennai Tinnitus Hearing Aid

Broadband or Ocean relief sounds:

The neutral-sounding broadband option provides a steady background ambience without calling attention to themselves. The ocean sounds are more dynamic and are often found to have a soothing effect. Our hearing care professional will help you decide which relief sound is best for you.

Hearing Aid Centre Chennai Tinnitus Hearing Aid
Hearing Aid Centre Chennai Tinnitus Hearing Aid

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