Hearing Aid Centre Chennai Loss of Balance and Steadiness

Loss of Balance and Steadiness


Suppose, if you have felt dizzy as well as lightheadedness in the room spinning all around you, it may be a sign of a balance problem.

What Causes Balance Problems

Balance problems comes at any age, it’s common to occur as getting older.

  1. Problems in the central or peripheral vestibular disorder (disturbances in the region of the inner ear or the brain centers controlling the inner ears)
  2. Impairment of the vascular system (the system that controls the flow of blood to the brain)

Problems that originate in the brain or its connecting nerves

Common Symptoms Of Balance Issue:

  • The sensation of vertigo (spinning or falling), while standing, or sometimes even if sitting or lying down
  • Wooziness, sensation that you are on a boat
  • Falling or feeling like you may fall
  • Being lightheaded or feeling faint
  • Blurred vision
  • Confusion or being disoriented


There are a lot of conditions that may be associated with vertigo, or the sense of motion or spinning. The most common type is benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV).

BPPV is caused by the calcium crystals in your inner ear becoming dislodged. Those crystals are what control your stability. If you have BPPV you’ll notice balance problems like a spinning sensation when you turn in bed or look up.

The second most common is vestibular neuritis. It’s an inflammatory disorder usually caused by a virus. You might have nausea and difficulty walking.


If being lightheaded or faint is behind your balance problems there are two likely causes.

The first is postural hypotension. This occurs when suppose you stand or sit too quickly it makes feel dizzy, that dizziness comes on a large drop in blood pressure.

The second possibility is cardiovascular disease. A heart arrhythmia, blocked blood vessels, thickened heart muscle, or a decrease in blood volume can make you feel lightheaded.

Loss Of Balance

Your vestibular system may be malfunctioning if you feel unsteady on your feet or lose your balance when walking (again, the part of the inner ear that helps you stay balanced).

Having issues with your joints, muscles, or vision is another possibility. Balance issues may be brought on by underdeveloped muscles or unstable joints. It can be challenging to maintain your balance when you have trouble seeing.


This is another instance of inner ear problems, for the most part.

Psychiatric disorders like depression and anxiety can also motive dizziness. Hyperventilating, which often comes along with anxiety disorders, is another possible underlying factor.

When should I approach a specialist on having a balance disorder?

  • Do I feel unsteady?
  • Do I feel as if the room is spinning around me, even for a very brief time?
  • Do I lose my balance and fall?
  • Do I feel as if I’m falling?
  • Do I have blurred vision?
  • Do I ever feel disoriented—losing my sense of time or location?

We are here,

We are concerned about your general well-being here at Denoc Hearing Centre. For consultation with our professionals for problems related to balance, make an appointment.