Hearing Aid And Its Maintenance
- Hearing Aid an instrument to amplify sounds for those with Hearing Loss.
- Those wearing a hearing aid for the first time should have special training in
- When one first tries a hearing aid,one’s ears will be assaulted (yelled at) by the sounds of passing cars, of doors slamming, of
- Training in how to filter out these noises and concentrate on the essential is necessary if the person is to get good result from the hearing aid.
Tips for better maintenance of hearing aid
- When it comes to hearing aid care, the most important thing to keep in mind is that your hearing aid should not get wet while having a wash, a bath or due to rain.
- Do not the place the hearing aid near the television, Speaker or any other magnetic field.
- Avoid extreme temperatures.
- If you have pets or small children living with you, keep the batteries out of reach.
- Maintaining your hearing aid through daily cleaning, brushing and regular service is extremely important.
- There is some thing called a dry box which comes along with the Hearing aid, before going to bed please remove the battery from the hearing aid and place the hearing aid with the battery door open in the dry box (without the battery) and close the dry box, place the batteries in hearing aid box.
- Change disposable silica gel every 6 months.

If your hearing instrument does not work, please consult your hearing aid specialist after checked the following.
- Is the hearing instrument switched on?
- Is the battery new?
- Clean the wax guard
- Remove earwax from your hearing aid to prevent temporary malfunction or permanent damage.
- Never remove the earwax from the ear yourself. Doing so could damage your ear.
- See your physician for regular wax removal.
Also, take special care about the following points:
- Remove earwax from your hearing aid to prevent temporary malfunction or permanent
- Never remove the earwax from the ear yourself. Doing so could damage your ear.
- See your physician for regular wax removal.
- Clean your hearing aid using the small brush or the soft cloth that came with it.
- If you can’t clean the hearing aid completely, ask your hearing professional for help.
- Handle your hearing aid with care.

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